School literacy movement; Read aloud; Reading cornerAbstract
Low interest in reading can lead to low cognitive and intellectual abilities. The school literacy movement is present with the aim of developing good attitudes and noble character through multiliteracy learning, increasing students' interest in reading, and having a strong impact on student development. This community service activity is carried out by combining several methods such as lectures, discussions, and games, through reading aloud activities. The activity was carried out in July 2024. The implementation team created a reading corner and practiced reading aloud techniques for fourth grade students of SD Negeri Pantai Mekar 03, Muaragembong. Students were asked to repeat the content of the story that was read and answer some questions related to the content of the reading. This reading aloud activity was followed by the students with enthusiasm. In addition, students are also given an understanding of the utilization of the reading corner that has been provided. Students were very enthusiastic about seeing the collection of reading books and practicing how to read aloud again. The implementation team hopes that this activity can increase students' interest in reading and make students more happy to read and understand the contents of the reading presented as an effort to improve school literacy.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Maya Oktaviani, Elmanora, Reno Irwanto, Anisya Septiana, Rhesna Sagita Chaerani, Lu’lu Fadiyah Afifah, Tya Deviyani

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