organic waste, ecoenzyme, elementary school, TTG.Abstract
Adiwiyata schools have environmentally sound waste programmes, organic waste processing being one of them. Not only is it beneficial for the adiwiyata school programme, but it can also be used as ecoenzyme (student learning media). The purpose of this ecoenzyme processing activity is to provide a comprehensive solution to the community's organic waste management programme, which is then converted into ecoenzyme. This programme is expected to be useful for students, especially for those who can apply it at home. This activity was carried out in a participatory manner, involving the school, guardians, and students of SDN Temugiring. This activity began with initial observations related to the identification of various problems, then continued with the conversion of organic waste into ecoezyme. It can be concluded that this activity provides results for students in terms of learning and processing organic waste from fruit peels into multipurpose liquid (ecoenzyme). This programme is also expected to be useful for students, especially for use at home.
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